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We are SunSmart - a note for families

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You may have already noticed Victoria’s UV levels are steadily rising so it’s time to dust off that sun protection gear and get into full SunSmart mode!

The weather may still be cold and grey some days but please don’t be fooled. It’s the UV that can damage our skin and eyes. We can’t see or feel UV but at this time of year it starts to increase in intensity.  

Please remember to check the daily sun protection times. These are available on the free SunSmart app or widget, in the weather section of the newspaper and on the SunSmart website at Sun protection times can also be found at the Bureau of Meteorology website and live UV levels are available from ARPANSA. Perhaps you can add the SunSmart widget to your website.

During the sun protection times please remember to:

  1. Slip on covering clothing
  2. Slop on SPF 30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen
  3. Slap on a wide brimmed hat
  4. Seek shade
  5. Slide on some wrap-around sunglasses

SunSmart have a number of resources to help share the SunSmart message available from

Please find attached a family note to help remind families how they can help support your service to be SunSmart.

Thanks for your ongoing support of this important health issue.

Have a wonderful spring.

Earlier Event: June 21
Parent Teacher Interviews
Later Event: October 23
Viewbank Primary School Excursion